Welcome Back My Lovely Ladybirds!
I am so excited to welcome you back into class after an amazing Christmas break and hear all about your Christmassy fun
Below you will find all the information about the exciting things we will be learning in school this half term.
Our topic this half term is – Tales from across the Sea.
In English, the children will be using books linked to our topic of Tales across the Sea. In the first few weeks we will be focusing on Tinga Tinga Tales, Why Elephant has a Trunk – which is a British animated children’s series based on African folk tales. Before Elephant had a trunk life was difficult, but with a SNAP from a crocodile the jungle animals find out good things can come from bad. In the latter half of term, we will be focusing on Giraffes Can’t Dance – which is a touching tale about a giraffe who wants nothing more than to dance. His crooked knees and thin legs make this difficult, but some encouraging words from an unlikely friend turn his dreams into reality.
In Maths this term the children will be working on securing number facts within 5 and introducing size, weight, and time.
Alive in 5 and growing 6, 7, 8
Please continue to log on to Numbots at home as this really helps.
Understanding the World
In UTW this term the children will be researching differences between where they live compared to others. The children compare the environment, climate and who lives there. They will also be learning to appreciate certain artefacts are old and sometimes reused over time.
In RE this term the children will be answering the question: ‘What places are special and why? The children will share their own special places, learn about places special to Christians and Muslims and start to discuss similarities and differences between them.
In PSHE this term, lessons will cover the theme – Changes
In art the children will be looking at different ways of making African animals. The children will explore several methods to create their chosen animals.
PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. PE kit should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can find me on the door, give me a call or pop me a message on class dojo
Best Regards
Miss Mason
Welcome back my Lovely Ladybirds!
I am so excited to welcome you back into class after an eventful break.
Below you will find all the information about the exciting things we will be learning in school this half term.
Our topic this half term is – A Light in the Dark.
In English, the children will be looking at 2 very different texts. In the first few weeks we will be focusing on Owl Babies. We will look at how repetition is used in stories and start to explore resilience and courage. In the latter half of term, we will be focusing on The Nativity – we will use this book to study fantasy and the joy of Christmas.
In Maths this term the children will be working on securing number and introducing rhymes.
It’s me 1, 2, 3 and Light & Dark
Please continue to log on to Numbots at home as this really helps.
Understanding the World
In UTW this term the children will be learning that their similarities and differences are what connect and distinguish them from others. The children will develop an in depth understanding of the festivals they celebrate and start to research some festivals they don’t celebrate.
In RE this term the children will be answering the question: ‘Which people are special and why? The children will think about people who are special including themselves, their families, peers, and the wider community.
In PSHE this term, lessons will cover the theme – Celebrating difference.
In art the children will be looking at different ways of mixing colours and materials. The children will explore several methods to create their chosen colours and what materials will work best for their project.
PE will now be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. PE kit should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts, and trainers.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. You can always grab me on the door, message on class dojo or give me a ring
Best Regards
Miss Mason
Welcome Back My Lovely Ladybirds!
I am so excited to welcome you back into class after a fantastic summer break.
Below you will find all the information about the exciting things we will be learning in school this half term.
Our topic this half term is – Me, Myself, and I.
In English, the children will be looking at books about being themselves and what makes each of them unique. In the first few weeks we will be focusing on Marvelous Me. We will look at how being us is all we need to be. In the latter half of term, we will be focusing on Only you can be you– we will this book to celebrate each other.
In Maths this term the children will be working on securing number and introducing rhymes.
Getting to know you and Just Like Me
Please continue to log on to Numbots at home as this really helps.
Understanding the World
In UTW this term the children will be researching differences between their age compared to others. The children will talk about things they observe and ask questions about their familiar world. They will also be learning to appreciate significant family events and different family dynamics.
In RE this term the children will be answering the question: ‘Which stories are special and why? The children will learn about stories special to Christians and Muslims and start to discuss similarities and differences between them.
In PSHE this term, lessons will cover the theme – Being Me in my World.
In art the children will be looking at different ways of making colours. The children will explore several methods to create their chosen colours.
PE will now be on a Tuesday and Thursday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. PE kit should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts, and trainers.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in contacting me. You can always grab me on the door, message on class dojo or give me a ring
Best Regards
Miss Mason