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Year 5/6 Oaks

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Welcome to the Oaks' class page. Here you will find lots of information about what we are doing in school and the different topics that we are learning.



Welcome back to Term 1 2024/25!

The topic this half term is – The Titanic. During this topic the children will be learning many interesting facts about this significant event. Lessons will include:

  • Understand why the Titanic was significant.
  • Identifying different types of historical sources and determine their reliability.
  • Investigating what life was like on board for the different classes.
  • Investigating the people on board the Titanic.
  • Gather evidence to back up opinions.
  • Reflect on how the sinking of the Titanic changed following events.




In English, the children will be reading The Titanic Detective Agency as the focus of their learning. The blurb of the book says:

  • Unlock the secrets of the unsinkable ship…Bertha Watt, tree-climber and would-be polar explorer, is excited to be on RMS Titanic’s maiden voyage, as she leaves Aberdeen behind for the glamour of a new life in America. But Bertha quickly realises that some passengers are behaving strangely, and she determines to unravel their secrets. With new friend, Madge, Bertha sets up her own detective agency to try and solve the mysteries on board, but they have no idea that disaster is looming for Titanic. Can they help Johan find the hidden treasure and unmask the identity of the enigmatic Mr Hoffman before time runs out on the ‘unsinkable’ ship?


During Whole class reading the children will be reading the book, Kaspar, Prince of Cats. The book tells the story of Johnny Trott, a bellboy at the Savoy, who makes friends with a cat named Kaspar. They have many adventures, including being on board Titanic when it hits the iceberg. The children will be carrying out daily tasks connected to the book.



Throughout Maths the main themes are: Place Value, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: Why do some people believe God exists?


In Science the topic is Forces. These lessons will include:

  • Explaining that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object.
  • Identifying the effects of friction acting between moving surfaces.
  • Identifying and explaining the effects of air resistance.
  • Identifying and explaining the effects of water resistance.
  • Recognising that gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.


Art/DT lessons will be all about the Titanic. The children be drawing the Titanic, creating a clay model of the Titanic, creating port holes and making and sewing a sea creature.


Computing is Computer Systems and Internet Safety.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme – Being Me in My World.


In Music the children will be learning the clarinet. This will be new for the year 5 children and a continuation for the year 6 children. This will take place on a Tuesday.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Monday and they will be tested the following Monday. Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Monday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself or Mrs Taylor.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton



Welcome back to Term 6 2023/24!

The topic this half term is – My Best Self! During this topic, the children will:

  • Discuss scenarios where children are torn between ‘fitting in’ and being true to themselves.
  • List some of their achievements and say why they are proud of them.
  • Know the difference between an unhealthy and healthy lifestyle.
  • Learn how to be confident and improve self- esteem.
  • Know how to be responsible citizens.
  • Know how have good personal hygiene


In English, the children will be using Child a book called, ‘Cloud Busting.’ by Malorie Blackman. The blurb says:

  • Davey is a new boy and Sam can't stand him. He thinks Davey is a first-class, grade A, top-of-the-dung-heap moron. But when the two are thrown together, Sam discovers that Davey's eccentric way of looking at the world makes life a lot more exciting. A beautiful, funny and sad story, told completely in verse.

The children will be writing different styles of poetry, newspaper reports and persuasive speeches. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.




During Whole class reading the children will read, Zombierella: Fairy Tales Gone Bad by Joseph Coelho. The children asked me if they could read a spooky book this term and this the book I have chosen. A summary of the book is:

  • The Shadow of Death arrives to breathe life back into her bones and, for three nights only, Cinderella goes forth as ZOMBIERELLA. With her skin as cold as ice and her faithful horse Lumpkin back by her side, can she seek revenge on her three cruel, fake sisters, once and for all?                                                                                                                       

Throughout Maths the main themes are:

  • Year 6 - Algebra, Area, Perimeter, Volume and Ratio.
  • Year 5 – Negative Numbers, Converting Numbers and Volume

Please continue to use TT Rock Stars Are, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: What do religions say to us when life gets hard?

In Science the topic is Animals including humans. The children will:


  • Understand scientific ideas about food and diet were tested in the past and how this has contributed to our knowledge of a balanced diet.
  • Investigate some different food groups and find out why a variety of foods is important for a healthy diet.
  • Find out how nutrients and water are transported in the human body.
  • Investigate what happens to the heart when we exercise and why.
  • Investigate how muscles move the skeleton and how muscle activity requires increased blood flow.
  • Investigate the effects of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.


In Computing the children will be looking at creating websites.


Art/DT lessons will be linked to the topic. The children will draw a cubism inspired Picasso portrait, observe and draw different facial expressions, create wire models to express body language and create an inner and outer self-portrait.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme –Changing Me.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


French will cover the theme - Qui est-ce? They will practise the vocabulary for hair and eyes to describe themselves and a friend.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday. Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself, Mrs Taylor or Mrs Stevens.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton



Welcome back to Term 5 2023/24!

The topic this half term is – Less than Fantastic Plastic. During this topic the children will learn about plastic pollution. The children will:

  • Understand how plastic is made;
  • Understand how rubbish impacts the environment and wildlife;
  • Know how long rubbish takes to break down;
  • Know how animals are affected by plastic in the ocean;
  • Understand the 4Rs (refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle).



In English, the children will be using Child a book called, ‘Song of the Dolphin Boy.’ by Elizabeth Laird. The blurb says:

Finn has always been different and in the tiny Scottish fishing village of Stromhead, his loneliness sticks out like a sore thumb. Then one day he dives into the sea and begins swimming with the dolphins and suddenly if feels like home.

But his new friends are in danger of being injured by the plastic and other rubbish that floats out into the water, so desperate to help them, Finn goes to the Lighthouse Crew for help – the same children who have always left him out……….


The children will be writing character profiles, descriptive writing, explanation texts and persuasive writing. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.



During Whole Class Reading the children will read, ‘One Plastic Bag.’ by Miranda Paul. The book tells the inspiring true story of how one African woman began a movement to recycle the plastic bags that were polluting her community. Plastic bags are cheap and easy to use. But what happens when a bag breaks or is no longer needed? In Njau, Gambia, people simply dropped the bags and went on their way.                                                               


Throughout Maths the main themes are:

  • Year 6 preparation for sats and algebra.
  • Year 5 shape and position and direction.

Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: What do religions say to us when life gets hard?


In Science the topic is Living things and their habitats. The children will:


  • Recap ways of grouping organisms according to their characteristics.
  • Explore ways of distinguishing between organisms that have similar characteristics.
  • Be able to classify plants according to their characteristics.
  • Find out about Carl Linnaeus and his classification system.
  • Explore what micro-organisms are and how they can be grouped.
  • Identify and classify organisms in the local area.


Computing is Using Spreadsheets. The children will learn how to:

  • Enter text and numbers into a spreadsheet.
  • Identify and refer to cells by row and column
  • Begin to enter formulae with the SUM function


Art/DT lessons will be linked to plastic pollution. They will sketch a create plastic pollution scenes using a variety of media and make an elephant from a plastic bottle!


PSHE lessons will cover the theme –Relationships.


French will cover the theme -  La meteo. The children practise the vocabulary for the weather and give a weather forecast.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday. Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself, Mrs Taylor or Mrs Stevens.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton




In Music the children will continue to learn the clarinet. This will take place on a Tuesday.




Welcome back to term 4 2023/24!

The focus of this half term is English and is – Welcome to Hogwarts!

In English, the children will be using Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling for the focus of their learning. The blurb of the book says:


  • Harry Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy – until he is rescued by a beetle- eyed giant of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel. The reason is ……. Harry Potter is a wizard!

The year 6 children will be writing letters, descriptions and explanations. The year 5 children will be writing non- chronological reports, newspaper reports and persuasive adverts. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.

During Whole class reading the children the children will also be reading, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. They will answer questions on the text using the VIPERS questions.  (vocabulary, Inference, prediction, explaining, retrieval, sequence and summarise)


Throughout Maths the main themes are:

  • Year 6 will be covering a variety of topics, including area, perimeter and statistics.
  • Year 5 perimeter, area and statistics.

Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: Is it better to express your beliefs in art and architecture or charity and generosity?

In Science the topic will be Light. The children will:


  • Recognise that light travels in straight lines
  • Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye
  • Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes
  • Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them.


In Computing the topic will be children will be Creating Media, through 3D modelling using a programme called Tinkercad. They will:

  • Describe the purpose of their project
  • Create a 3D model of a building
  • Explain shapes that are representative of a real-world object to make a model
  • Recognise that changing perspective does not change the position of objects
  • Position 3D objects to create a chosen artefact
  • Accurately resize objects
  • Create holes in objects
  • Use and combine variations of one 3D shape


Art/DT lessons will be linked to Harry Potter. They will be looking at the work of Kandinsky and create a Hogwarts castle, sculpt a sorting hat and sketch Dobby, the house elf.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme – Healthy Me.


Although this term is an English topic, we will be learning  Geography skills throughout topic lessons. They will learn how to use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and keys (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world. These will be learnt though the theme of Harry Potter.


In Music the children will continue to learn the clarinet. This will take place on a Tuesday.


French will cover the theme -  Ma chamber. They will practise the vocabulary for some furniture and prepositions and describe their bedroom.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


Finally, we have out fantastic school trip on Wednesday 28th February to Warner Bros. Studio Tour, London.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself, Mrs Taylor or Mrs Stevens.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton




Welcome back to Term 3 2023/24!

The topic this half term is – The Plague. During this topic the children will be learning to:

  • Put events on a timeline 
  • Say how the plague spread 
  • Understand quarantine and relate it to Eyam 
  • Understand how people tried to cure the plague 
  • Know what a plague doctor was 
  • Know what Eyam did to stop the spread of the plague 
  • Know how the plague ended.                                                                                                                                                    


  In English, the children will be using Child of Winter by Berlie Doherty for the focus of their learning. The blurb of the book says:

  • From the moment Catherine and her family set out for their Grandmother’s house, deep in the Derbyshire countryside, she somehow knows that the journey will be special. A storm suddenly breaks out and with her sister Patsy and brother Andy, she is forced to wait for her parents in the shelter of an old barn.

It is all strangely familiar to her. As the torchlight dims, shadows of the past crowd in, memories of a time hundreds of years ago, when three children took refuge in a barn, not from a storm but a terrible plague…….

The children will be writing an information poster, a discussion text and a narrative. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.




During Whole class reading the children will be reading,  A Cross on the Door. This book is also about the plague; however, it is set in London in 1665.


Sam was just a young boy when his master took him out of the orphanage to be his servant. When he was old enough, he was going to become his master's apprentice, a shoemaker, able to make his own way in the world.

But that was before the plague arrived.

Abandoned by Alice, his master's maid and the closet thing that Sam's ever had to a mother, Sam finds himself nailed into his workshop home with only his dying master and pet dog Budge for company. The officials call it 'quarantine'. But for Sam it's a death sentence.




Throughout Maths the main themes are:

  • Year 6 Shape, decimals, fractions and percentages.
  • Year 5 Multiplication and Division and Fractions

Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: Is it better to express your beliefs in art and architecture or charity and generosity?


In Science the topic will be Evolution and Inheritance. The children will:

  • Identify inherited traits and adaptive traits.  
  • Understand that adaptations are random mutations.
  • Examine fossil evidence supporting the idea of evolution.
  • Identify the difference between selective and cross-breeding.
  • Develop an understanding of the development of evolutionary ideas and theories over time.
  • Explain how human evolution has occurred and compare modern humans with those of the same genus and family.
  • Understand that adaptation and evolution is not a uniform process for all living things.
  • Give examples of selective and crossbreeding.


Computing is Using Search Engine’s Effectively.  The children will:

  • Search for information using appropriate search engines and can refine their search terms by using keywords.
  • Refine their searches using Boolean operators with some guidance.
  • Use strategies to check the reliability of information on web pages.
  • Explain how search engines work using key vocabulary, such as web indexing and web crawlers.
  • Understand that search results are ranked and can explain how page ranking works.
  • Explain what search engine optimisation (SEO) is and can suggest some SEO improvements for a web page.

Art/DT lessons will be linked to The Plague. They will sketch a Plague Doctor, make a Plague Doctor mask, create a painting in the style of Rita Greer and sketch a rat!


PSHE lessons will cover the theme –Dreams and Goals.


In Music the children will continue to learn the clarinet. This will take place on a Tuesday.


French will cover the theme -  Les planets. The children will practise vocabulary for planets and then describe a planet.



PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt,plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself, Mrs Taylor or Mrs Stevens.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton



Welcome back to Term 2 2023/24!

The topic this half term is – Home and Away. During this topic the children will be learning about physical and human geography of North America, South America and the UK. Lessons will include:

  • explain that a continent is a large landmass; explain that continents are groups of countries;
  • identify countries in North America; 
  • identify countries in South America;
  •  describe physical features of an area of the Americas;
  • describe the climate of an area of the Americas;
  • describe the human geography of an area of North America;
  • explain what latitude is;
  • identify the equator, tropics and poles on a map;
  • explain that coordinates pinpoint a geographical location;
  • locate the countries that make up the UK on a map;
  •  name the capital cities of the countries of the UK;
  • label the key cities in the UK on a map;
  • name the seas surrounding the UK;
  • name some of the UK's main rivers;
  • find the names of seas on a map;
  •  explain what a county is;
  • find their county on a map.




In English, the children will be using Holes by Louis Sacher for the focus of their learning. The blurb of the book says:

  • The evil warden of the camp (in poisoned red nail polish and prowling snake-skin boots), claims that digging a hole each day is the way to turn a bad boy into a good boy. Every day, Stanley must toil in the blazing sun and dig his own hole. But is that all there is to it – or must Stanley dig up the truth?

The children will be writing a character descriptions, non-chronological reports and persuasive writing. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.




During Whole class reading the children will be reading Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly. Three brilliant African-American women at NASA -- Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson -- serve as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race and galvanized the world. The children will be carrying out daily tasks connected to the book.




Throughout Maths the main themes are:

  • Year 6 Fractions
  • Year 5 Multiplication and Division and Fractions

Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 RE is Freedom and Justice


 In Science the topic continues to be Materials and their Properties. These lessons will include:

  • To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
  • To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures and solutions might be separated
  • Explain that some changes form new materials, and that these changes are not usually reversible
  • To identify when a change caused by heating or cooling is reversible or irreversible
  • To investigate the materials needed for something to burn and the new materials formed by burning
  • To compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties
  • To give reasons for the particular uses of everyday materials in relation to their properties


Computing is Vector Drawings. They learn how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. They will recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. They will layer objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work.


Art/DT lessons will be linked to the novel Holes and to the topic of Home and Away. The children be making a desert landscape, dream catchers, yellow spotted lizards and cacti.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme – Celebrating Differences


In Music the children will continue to learn the clarinet. This will take place on a Tuesday.


French is learning about the artist Auguste Herbin. The children will learn about the artist and describe the colours and shapes in a painting.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.



The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself or Mrs Taylor.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton



Welcome back to Term 1 2023/24!

The topic this half term is – Stone Age to Iron Age. During this topic the children will be learning many interesting facts about this period. Lessons will include:

  • Know how tools changed during the Stone Age to make hunting more successful.  Persuade an audience that the bow and arrow is a good hunting tool.
  • Explain the different challenges of survival for early man.
  • Know the names of some of the jobs that copper miners used to do.
  • Name three reasons why people think Stonehenge might have been built.
  • Explain how Stonehenge changed from the Stone Age onwards.
  • Name two of the roles of Druids in Iron Age tribes.
  • Name an important festival in the Druid calendar.
  • Explain how homes changed from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
  • Explain how hillforts were designed to protect Iron Age tribes.






In English, the children will be studying Stig of the Dump for the focus of their learning. Written by the late Clive King, it relates the tale of a bored schoolboy, Barney, who meets a caveman called Stig living in an unofficial rubbish dump in a chalk pit. The two become unlikely friends and learn to communicate, as Barney helps Stig to refurbish his cave home with recycled rubbish from the dump.

The children will be writing a diary entry, character description, newspaper report and a narrative. They will learn the skills needed for each genre before writing.




During Whole Class Reading the children will be reading the book, The boy with the Bronze Axe.  In this book Kali and Brockan get trapped by the tides one day, while out collecting limpets. Then a mysterious rescuer appears -- a strange boy in a strange boat, carrying a strangely sharp axe. The people of Skara Brae must decide what to do with this boy's new ideas and practices. The children will be carrying out daily tasks connected to the book.




Throughout Maths the main themes are: Place Value, Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.


 In RE we will be asking the question: What does it mean do be a Muslim in Britain today?


 In Science the topic is Materials and their Properties. These lessons will include:

  • To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution
  • To use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures and solutions might be separated
  • Explain that some changes form new materials, and that these changes are not usually reversible
  • To identify when a change caused by heating or cooling is reversible or irreversible
  • To investigate the materials needed for something to burn and the new materials formed by burning
  • To compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties
  • To give reasons for the particular uses of everyday materials in relation to their properties


Computing is internet safety. This is very important as the children need to be safe online.


Art/DT lessons will be the period Stone Age to Iron Age. The children be creating cave paintings, drawing mammoths, designing and making jewellery, drawing Stonehenge and sewing.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme – Being Me in My World


In Music the children will be learning the clarinet. This will be new for the year 5 children and a continuation for the year 6 children. This will take place on a Tuesday.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Wednesday and they will be tested the following Wednesday. Spelling shed is still being used and updated with the new spellings every Wednesday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself or Mrs Taylor.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton



Welcome back to Term 1 2022!


The topic this half term is – Ancient Greece. During this topic the children will be learning many interesting facts about Ancient Greece. Lessons will include:

  •  Find out who the ancient Greeks were and locate their civilisation on a timeline.
  • Explore and discuss the three main types of government in ancient Greece: monarchy, oligarchy and democracy.
  • Compare and contrast the two city states of Athens and Sparta.
  • Use primary and secondary sources to find out about daily life in ancient Greece.
  • Find out about gods, goddesses and religious beliefs in ancient Greece. 6 Investigate the lives and teachings of the ancient Greek scholars and philosophers.
  • Explore how modern life has been influenced by the ancient Greeks.



In English, the children will be using two books. The first book is called, The Corinthian Girl and the second book is called, The Odyssey. They will be looking at newspaper reports and narrative writing. They will learn the skills needed for the type of genre and use them in their writing.




Throughout Maths the main themes are:  Place Value and Four Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Please continue to use TT Rock stars, as this really helps with times tables.



 In RE we will be asking the question: If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?


 In Science the topic is Earth in Space. These lessons will include: movements of the sun, earth and moon, day and night, seasons and lots of other interesting information.


Computing is internet safety. This is very important as the children need to be safe online.

Art/DT lessons will be based Ancient Greece. The children be designing vases, creating theatre masks, making a Trojan horse paper and much more! Different skills will be used throughout.


PSHE lessons will cover the theme – Being Me.


In Music the children will be learning the clarinet. This will be new for the year 5 children and a continuation for the year 6 children. This will take place on a Tuesday.

PE will be on a Tuesday and children must come to school in their PE kit. PE should consist of a plain white t shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


The children will bring a list of spellings to learn every Monday and they will be tested the following Monday. Spelling shed is still being used and updated every Monday.


Homework is handed out on a Monday and is due back the following Monday. They will have Maths homework related to the maths in class. The English homework will be a comprehension activity related to the topics in class.


 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate in asking myself or Mrs Taylor.

Best Regards

Teresa Sutton


