At Unstone Schools Federation, our motto ‘Learning today… Leading tomorrow’ drives our aim to foster a life-long love of learning, for all through adopting a highly practical, skills, knowledge and cross-curricular based approach to learning.
Our Curriculum aims to deliver an education that will equip each of our children with the skills required to be an independent, questioning and responsible citizen who will continue with effective life long learning.
Our curriculum aims to be creative and is based around a whole school theme with differentiated objectives taken from the National Curriculum document and linking this progressively with the National Curriculum.
We want to inspire and engage our pupils, providing exciting, purposeful and memorable teaching and learning opportunities throughout the schools. By bringing together a creative curriculum, enterprise initiatives and the principles of talk for learning we deliver a robust curriculum, which excites and motivates the children’s learning. In addition to a range of activities in school we work hard to supplement the curriculum with purposeful educational visits and visitors. Every year we run educational visits, residential visits and memorable learning experiences to support all aspects of our curriculum.
At Unstone, children are involved with the development and planning of their learning through the use of whole school pupil planning sessions at the end of each academic year. Staff at Unstone work with the children to plan a curriculum based on their interests. Through the KWHL grids the children develop their speaking and listening skills and their ability to ask questions to enhance learning.
The schools plan a range of topics and projects across a two year (Unstone Infants) and four year (Unstone Juniors) program to ensure coverage and progression.
Each theme is introduced to the children through the development of topic ‘WOW’ event which may be an in-school immersion day, visitor or a visit. The hands on creative approach engages the children and gives the topic a ‘hook’.
Throughout the topic the children work towards the final outcome which may involve a school fair, school production, class activity shared with parents, staff, governors and the wider community.
Skills are assessed using formative and summative assessments with a focus practical activities where possible across all curriculum areas. Targets are set with the pupils and the use of pupil tracking system will inform SLT, teachers, TAs, pupils, Governors and parents of the progress and attainment of all groups of pupil throughout school.
Pupil conferencing also informs the target setting process; this enables pupils to take ownership of their learning.
If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact school directly.