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Year 1/2 Butterflies

Welcome back Butterflies! 

Mrs Hinde and myself cannot wait to welcome you all back after a lovely break 


Below you will find lots of information about all the exciting things and the different topics we are learning this half term.


Our topic focus this term is 'Sand, Sea and Sun!’




In English this term the children's Talk for Writing focus will be 'Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess’.



In Maths this term we will be focusing on Fractions and Length and Height.


Please continue to use Numbots and TT Rockstars as this really helps. 



In Science this term we will be looking at Seasonal Changes from Spring to Summer. Children will learn about the changes that can be seen between spring and summer, as well as across all four seasons. They will go on a nature walk to observe some of these changes. They will learn about what weather is and the weather associated with each season.



This term we will be focusing on our topic ‘Sand, Sea and Sun’. Within this unit children we be able to:

  • Identify features of a seaside holiday
  • Use to sources to find out about seaside holidays in the past
  • Know what a Victorian seaside holiday was like
  • Know when and how seaside holidays became popular
  • Know seaside holidays within living memory
  • Compare seaside holidays in the past with seaside holidays now



Within RE we will be asking the question: '– How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter?’



In Computing we will be looking at Programming Quizzes.




PSHE lessons will cover the theme - Changing Me.




Within Art we will be looking at Seaside Snacks.



PE will be on Monday and Tuesday, so please ensure they come in their PE kit. PE kit consists of plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts and trainers.


Swimming and Forest School continues this term!! Swimming on a Tuesday afternoon for Year 2's and then Forest School for Year 1's Friday afternoon... don't forget your kit! 



Spellings will be handed out on a Friday to practise for the following Friday. Please continue to use Spelling Shed and Numbots to support at home. Reading books will be changed every Monday but please ensure you bring your reading book and record everyday. 


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or Mrs Hinde.

Miss Mawbysmiley
